Feb 18, 2025  
ACE Employee Handbook 2020 
ACE Employee Handbook 2020 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Travel and Expense Policies

The objective of this travel and expense policy (“Policy”) is to provide all associates with a comprehensive statement to guide all travel, entertainment and other expense spending related to College business. It is the College’s intent to reimburse for ordinary, necessary, reasonable and approved expenses that are directly connected with or pertaining to the transaction of College business. Associates should travel only when prudent. We have a fiscal responsibility to students to use good judgment and spend wisely.

Expense approval limits are illustrated below:

  Signing/Approval Limit
Position In Budget Out of Budget












Executive Cabinet



CFO/CEO $999,999.00
Board of Trustees Unlimited

Policy Revisions

  • All individuals traveling for the College must follow the policies and procedures herein.
  • The College will only reimburse you for your business related expenses in accordance with the Policy. Expenses for family members will not be reimbursed.
  • There will be no reimbursement for expenses that are not approved according to this Policy.

For All Travel

  1. Your supervisor needs to pre-approve your travel. Please consider whether the trip is absolutely necessary, and consider the use of video-conferencing as an alternative. In addition, evaluate the need for multiple employees traveling to the same meeting or event.
  2. Business travel (air, hotel, car rental) must be booked through our travel agency (Frosch). If you know of a better rate for a hotel than those offered by our agent, notify them so they can change accordingly.
    • Although you may have a preferred airline, hotel chain or car rental company, you must use the cheapest options that still meet your business needs and schedule. Submit expense reports in a timely manner.
  3. The College has the right to reject expense reports for travel or expenses more than 60 days old. Additionally, please consolidate expense reports so that you are not submitting multiple or small-dollar expense reports in a short period of time (i.e., a week).

a. As of April 15, 2013, we use Concur for automated-expense reporting. Introduction to this system will occur during the new-hire orientation. This system eliminates handling and processing paper expense reports and receipts.

b. Reimbursement is only for expenses directly associated with, and during, the business trip.

c. After timely completion of your expense report, your manager must approve it before submitting for reimbursement.

d. All detailed receipts greater than $5.00 must be submitted. Credit card statements or credit card receipts that do not show detail will not be allowed. Most hotels or restaurants can fax you a copy if you lost original receipts.

Airfare Guideline

  • Advance purchases
    The College encourages advance purchase (7-day or longer) of non-refundable tickets. The College reimburses for coach (economy class) seating only. International travel booked at least 7 days in advance may be booked as business class when each leg of travel exceeds 4 hours. If international travel is booked less than 7 days in advance, you must use coach / economy class seating.

a. Concur is integrated with our travel agency (Frosch). Use the airline booking tool within Concur when possible. Telephone purchases with Frosch cost more per ticket than online purchases through Concur.

  • Lowest airfare
    Our travel agency will present the lowest fares for your trip. Booked flights that are 20% greater than the lowest fare will require SVP approval.
  • Stand-by or Changes
    Airlines sometimes charge a fee for stand-by seating or last minute changes. The College will not reimburse this fee unless it is an emergency.

The College does not reimburse for the following:

  • Travel insurance
  • Preferred seating or early boarding fees
  • In-flight drinks

Hotel Guidelines

  • Hotels
    The College suggests using the most economical hotel in the area that is appropriate for professional business travel. We continue to work with our travel agency to negotiate the best rates available at our frequently traveled destinations. The travel agent will have a list of preferred hotels and will book your reservations accordingly.
  • Laundry
    If you are out of town for more than five consecutive nights, the College will reimburse for reasonable laundry or dry cleaning expense.
  • Non-reimbursable expenses
    We reimburse only for a single-occupancy room and do not reimburse for in-room games, movies and honor bars. We do not reimburse for hotel room upgrades.

Transportation Guidelines

Car rental

  • Use preferred rental car agencies
    The travel agent will have a list of these.
  • Rent a mid/intermediate size vehicle
    Rent an intermediate-sized vehicle, unless three or more employees are traveling together.
  • Decline fuel options
    Refuel before returning your rental car to avoid excessive fuel charges. The College will not pay for refueling by the rental car company. The College does reimburse for actual gas receipts for rental cars.
  • Car rental insurance
    The College does not provide insurance for car rentals. In many cases, the credit card you use provides car rental insurance (please check before you rent a car). Please know that the College will reimburse the employee for insurance secured through the rental agency if you do not otherwise have coverage; provided the car insurance expense is obtained and documented at the time of such car rental.
  • Accident reporting
    Report any accident in, or damage to, a rental vehicle, no matter how minor. Report to the local police and the ACE Chief Financial Officer.

Ground Transportation

Use public transportation, airport shuttles, or taxicabs when available, appropriate, and at the same or lower cost than renting a car.

  • Toll/Taxi/Miscellaneous
    All tolls, taxi and miscellaneous expenses must be detailed on your expense report and when possible, accompanied by receipt.
  • Parking Fees
    Utilize long-term parking where appropriate. NOTE: TRAFFIC (speeding, parking, etc.) TICKETS WILL NOT BE REIMBURSED.
  • Mileage
    If employee’s business travels (those on behalf of the College) includes employee’s use of their personal automobile, College shall reimburse the employee for only those actual miles driven. Such business travel must exceed 30 miles (one way) from the nearest College office and will be reimbursed at a rate of 53.5 cents/mile. Travel between an employee’s home and the office is not eligible for reimbursement under any circumstances.

Meals and Miscellaneous Expenses

In general, meal and incidental expenses should be reasonable and appropriate to the business undertaken.

Mobile Phones

Cell phones or other wireless data devices (including devices and monthly plan costs or fees) are not eligible for reimbursement unless pre-approved by employee’s senior manager. We will reimburse for roaming charges incurred for international travel.


Entertainment is reimbursable only if approved in advance by your senior manager. No entertainment is permitted without the employee in attendance. When more than one College employee is in attendance, the senior member pays the bill. Expense report must list all the attendees.

Meals (Corporate)

A per-diem of up to $60 per day will be reimbursed for meals (including tips). A detailed receipt is still required for all meals in excess of $5.00. If the College is hosting clients, customers or business partners, employees should use discretion when inviting other employees to attend a function. When more than one College employee is in attendance, the senior member of a business-related travel meal pays the bill. The company will not reimburse for departmental meals or employees that are hosting another employee for a meal. Expense report must list all the attendees at the meal.

  • As part of the $60 max per-diem, alcohol during a meal is allowed and is reimbursed. As you are representing the College while on a trip, we expect you to exercise sound judgment regarding the use of alcohol.

Internal Meals

Internal meals, unless specifically approved in advance of the expenditure occurrence, in writing, are not eligible for reimbursement.

Other Non-Reimbursable Travel Cost

The College does not reimburse for the following expenses:

  • Books or subscriptions, unless specifically approved by a department manager
  • Credit card fees including late fees and finance charges. We will reimburse for foreign exchange fees if travel is outside the U.S.
  • Travel insurance costs
  • Personal property loss
  • Traffic fines and parking tickets