Feb 17, 2025  
ACE Employee Handbook 2020 
ACE Employee Handbook 2020 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Personal Property Searches

ACE reserves the right to conduct reasonable searches to monitor compliance with rules concerning safety of employees, security of company and individual property, drugs and alcohol, and possession of other prohibited items.

“Prohibited items” includes illegal drugs, alcoholic beverages, prescription drugs or medications not used or possessed in compliance with a current valid prescription, weapons, any items of an obscene, harassing, demeaning, or violent nature, and any property in the possession or control of an employee who does not have authorization from the owner of such property to possess or control the property.

“Control” means knowing where a particular item is, having placed an item where it is currently located, or having any influence over its continued placement or movement. In addition to ACE premises, ACE may search employees’ work areas, lockers, and/or general work space. In requesting a search, ACE is by no means accusing anyone of theft, some other crime, or any other variety of improper conduct.

There is no general or specific expectation of privacy in the workplace, either on ACE’s premises or while on duty. In general, employees should assume that what they do while on duty or on ACE’s premises is not private. All employees and all of the areas listed above are subject to search at any time; if an employee uses a locker or other storage area at work, including a locking desk drawer or locking cabinet, ACE will either furnish the lock and keep a copy of the key or combination, or else allow the employee to furnish a personal lock, but the employee must give ACE a copy of the key or combination. The areas in question may be searched at any time, with or without the employee being present.

As a general rule, with the exception of items relating to personal hygiene or health, no employee should ever bring anything to work or store anything at work that he or she would not be prepared to show and possibly turn over to
ACE officials and/or law enforcement authorities.

All ACE employees are subject to this policy. However, any given search will be restricted to one or more specific individuals, depending upon the situation. Searches may be done on a random basis or where reasonable suspicion exists. “Reasonable suspicion” means circumstances suggesting to a reasonable person that there is a possibility that one or more individuals may be in possession of a prohibited item as defined above. Any search under this policy will be done in a reasonable manner, protecting employees’ privacy, confidentiality, and personal dignity to the greatest extent possible. ACE will respond severely to any unauthorized release of information concerning individual employees.

No employee will ever be physically forced to submit to a search. However, an employee who refuses to submitto a search request from ACE may face disciplinary action, up to and possibly including immediate termination of employment.