Feb 16, 2025  
ACE Employee Handbook 2021 
ACE Employee Handbook 2021 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

PTO Donation

Policy Statement

ACE recognizes that employees may have a personal or family medical emergency or be affected by a major disaster, resulting in a need for additional time off in excess of their available PTO. To address this need, all eligible employees will be allowed to donate accrued PTO hours from their unused balance to their co-workers in need of additional paid time off, in accordance with the policy outlined below. This policy is strictly voluntary.


Employees must be employed with ACE for a minimum of 3 months to be eligible to donate and/or receive donated time.


Employees who would like to make a request to receive donated PTO must have a situation that meets the following criteria:

  • Medical emergency, defined as a medical condition of the employee or an immediate family member that will require the prolonged/extended absence of the employee from duty and will result in a substantial loss of income to the employee due to the exhaustion of all paid leave available. An immediate family member is defined as a spouse, child, or parent.

  • Major disaster, defined as a disaster declared by the president under §401 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (the Stafford Act), or as a major disaster or emergency declared by the president pursuant to 5 U.S.C. §6391 for federal government agencies. An employee is considered to be adversely affected by a major disaster if the disaster has caused severe hardship to the employee or to a family member of the employee that requires the employee to be absent from work.

Donating PTO

Employees interested in donating PTO can do so by completing a Donation of PTO Form and submitting it to human resources ([email protected]).  Employees who donate will not get to choose who receives their donated hours, and recipients of donated hours will remain anonymous. 

Donation of PTO

  • The donation of PTO is strictly voluntary.
  • Donated PTO will go into a leave bank for use by eligible recipients and will roll over year-to-year.
  • Recipient identity will not be disclosed to donating employees.
  • The donation of PTO is on an hourly basis, without regard to the dollar value of the donated or used leave.
  • The minimum number of PTO hours that an eligible employee may donate is 4 hours per calendar year; the maximum is 40 hours or no more than 50 percent of the employee’s current balance.
  • Employees cannot borrow against future PTO to donate.
  • Employees will be given the opportunity to donate PTO annually.
  • Employees who are currently on an approved leave of absence cannot donate PTO.

Requesting Donated PTO

Employees who would like to request donated PTO are required to complete a Request of Donated PTO Form and submit it to human resources ([email protected]).

Requests for donations of PTO must be approved by human resources.

If the recipient employee has available PTO in his or her balance, this time will be used prior to any donated time. Donated PTO may only be used for time off related to the approved request.

Employees who receive donated PTO may receive no more than 40 hours within a rolling 12-month period, unless expressly approved by the executive cabinet.  The executive cabinet will review all requests above and beyond 40 hours. 

Nothing in this policy will be construed to limit or extend the maximum allowable absence under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).