Dec 21, 2024  
ACE Employee Handbook 2022 
ACE Employee Handbook 2022 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Information Systems


Information Systems

ACE supervises the use of all electronic communications systems and all email and related information transmitted by, received from, or stored in its systems. These systems are to be used primarily, if not exclusively, for job-related purposes. Any personal use or non-ACE business must be incidental, occasional, and kept to a minimum. Playing games is prohibited. Users that violate this Information Systems policy are subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination.

Internet Access

Department Managers are responsible for defining appropriate Internet access levels for the employees in their department and conveying that information to the Network Administrator. Employees have no expectation of privacy with respect to Internet use over ACE systems. Subject to applicable laws and regulations, ACE has the right to and will monitor and filter the contents of Internet sites visited to support operational, maintenance, auditing, security, and investigative activities.

Users are personally accountable for Internet sites they visit using ACE systems. All sites visited on the Internet are electronically tracked and stored by ACE’s system and may also be tracked by the owners of the web sites visited.

Periodic random audits will be performed on records of sites visited by users.

The following procedures must be followed:

  • The Internet may not be used for illegal or unlawful purposes, including, but not limited to, copyright infringement, obscenity, libel, slander, fraud, defamation, plagiarism, harassment, intimidation, forgery, impersonation, illegal gambling, soliciting for illegal pyramid schemes, and computer tampering (e.g. spreading computer viruses).
  • ACE prohibits use for mass unsolicited mailings, access for non-employees to ACE resources or network facilities, access to pornographic sites, gaming, competitive commercial activity unless pre-approved by ACE, and the dissemination of chain letters.
  • Individuals may not establish ACE computers as participants in any peer-to-peer network, unless approved by management. This includes the use of services such as GoToMyPC, or any other service not directly supported and approved by management.
  • Individuals may not view, copy, alter, or destroy data, software, documentation, or data communications belonging to ACE or another individual without authorized permission.
  • Individuals will only use ACE-approved services, specifically for voice communication over the Internet.
  • No media advertisement, Internet home page, electronic bulletin board posting, electronic mail message or other public representation on behalf of ACE outside of an employee’s formal job responsibilities may be issued unless it has first been approved by appropriate management.
  • Under no circumstances may information of a confidential, sensitive or otherwise proprietary nature be placed or posted on the Internet for public consumption or otherwise be disclosed to anyone outside ACE without the previous approval of the appropriate management other than information transmitted to trading partners and potential trading partners in the normal conduct of business by those employees authorized to solicit bids and/or negotiate contracts on behalf of ACE.
  • Users may not download files in violation of copyright laws. “Downloading” is the process of transferring files electronically to diskette or to ACE’s hardware or network. Also, users may not use information printed from Internet sites in violation of copyright laws.
  • Because ACE must comply with all system and personal computer software licensing agreements, you may not remove, disable, or bypass ACE installed software, and must adhere to all ACE requirements for the use of software on the system. This includes but is not limited to tracking, anti-virus, or monitoring software. Also, you may not download or install software onto the system without approval of the IT Department.
  • Users may not upload files that include sensitive trade secrets or confidential information about ACE or its business partners without the previous approval of management. “Uploading” is the transfer of files from diskette or ACE’s hardware or network to an Internet site or to another individual or company by electronic mail. In the event that the Internet is determined to be the best method for transmitting a confidential document to a third party, the appropriate management or manager must first approve the transmittal.
  • ACE prohibits the use of the Internet by users to view obscene or other objectionable or illegal material.

Electronic Mail

The email you send and receive using your ACE email address is the property of ACE, and employees have no expectation of privacy with respect to any email communications or Internet use over ACE systems. Subject to applicable laws and regulations, ACE has the right to monitor and filter the contents of email and Internet sites visited to support operational, maintenance, auditing, security, and investigative activities; and will do so. ACE has the right to access, monitor, filter and disclose all communications for all purposes.

For purposes of this policy, the term “users” includes all ACE employees, whether permanent or temporary, and any contractors, when such individuals are using ACE-owned, leased or licensed equipment, networks and/or software; or are using a third-party email system to originate or forward messages in the conduct of ACE business.

To ensure that the use of electronic communications systems and related business equipment is consistent with the College’s legitimate business interests, the following procedures must be followed:

  • The email systems are not to be used in ways that are disruptive or offensive to others, or in ways that are inconsistent with the professional image of ACE.
  • Intentional display or transmission of sexually explicit images, messages, cartoons, jokes, games, or any communication that can be construed as harassment or disparagement of others based on their race, national origin, sex, age, religion, disability or other protected class is not permitted.
  • Incoming email and attached files that contain sexually explicit images, messages, cartoons, or any communication that can be construed as harassment or disparagement of others based on their race, national origin, sex, age, religion, disability or other protected class should be immediately deleted. Likewise, incoming chain mail should be deleted and should not be forwarded to others via ACE’s networks.
  • Any use of the email systems to solicit personal business ventures, to leak confidential, sensitive, or proprietary information, or for any other inappropriate purpose is also prohibited. The systems may not be used to solicit or address others regarding commercial, religious, or political causes, or for any other solicitations that are not work related, except as previously approved by appropriate management.
  • Users are also accountable for messages that they originate or forward in the conduct of ACE business using a third-party email system. Misrepresenting, obscuring, suppressing, or replacing a user’s identity on an electronic communication so that it appears to be from someone else is prohibited. (Delegated “send on behalf of” privilege does not apply) The user name, email address, organizational affiliation, time and date of transmission, and related information included with emails or postings must always reflect the true originator, time, date, and place of origination of the messages or postings, as well as the true content of the original message.

Instant Messaging

It is expected that all employees will communicate professionally with colleagues, keeping in mind that foul language and slang terms are not allowed. Most types of IM services allow for the recording and archiving of IM conversations.

In many cases, the person with whom a user is corresponding may be able to record the conversation without the employee’s consent or knowledge. If confidential corporate information is disclosed via IM and is subsequently recorded, the individual(s) responsible for the disclosure will be held accountable.


All electronic communications at ACE will comply with all ACE policies, ACE contracts and applicable laws. Email and Instant messages are considered business records and are thus subject to ACE’s existing policies and procedures regarding business record retention, storage, and deletion.


For security purposes, Internet accounts are to be used only by the assigned user of the account for authorized purposes. Users may not share account or password information with another person. Attempting to obtain another user’s account password is strictly prohibited. Passwords may not be written down and/or exposed to others for any reason. Users must take all necessary precautions to prevent unauthorized access to Internet services.

Failure to Comply

Sanctions for inappropriate use or abuse of the Internet may include, but are not limited to, one or more of the following:

  1. Temporary or permanent revocation of access to some or all computing and networking resources and facilities,
  2. Disciplinary action according to applicable ACE policies; and/or
  3. Legal action according to applicable laws and contractual agreements.