Feb 07, 2025  
2020 Faculty Handbook 
2020 Faculty Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

The ACE Course Grading


As mentioned in the Faculty Responsibilities section of this handbook, all ACE faculty members are required to grade assignments within 96 hours (4 days) of the due date. ACE students typically have assignments due each week; thus, getting meaningful feedback prior to completing their next assignment is critical for their growth. The information below is provided to help you understand ACE’s grading scale and help you with assigning grades in your courses. 

Grading Scale

The College uses the following individual letter and numeric grading system. 

  • 90 - 100%:  A (4 points)
  • 80 - 89%:    B (3 points)
  • 70 - 79%:    C (2 points)
  • 60 - 69%:    D (1 point)
  • 0 - 59%:      F (0 points)


In addition to the standards grades, students may receive the following grades on their transcript

  • I:     Incomplete
  • NP: No Pass
  • P:    Pass
  • TR:  Transfer Credit
  • W:    Withdrawn


Rubrics for each assignment are provided both inside the assignment documents and in the gradebook. You complete the rubric for each assignment, as consistency in grading is essential. Additional training and support are available on Faculty Commons regarding rubric use. Please know there are dedicated rubrics for discussion boards and different types of assignments. Additionally, rubrics vary for each degree level; thus, you will see different rubrics during your time at ACE. 

Extra Credit

Each course has been set up with an appropriate number of points to fairly award a final grade and assess the students’ mastery of the course objectives and program outcomes. Because of this, ACE does not allow for extra credit assignments to be added

Quizzes and Final Examinations

If you are teaching a course that contains quizzes or final examinations, please know that the quiz or exam will open for students on the Monday of the week in which it is due. Students will have until the end of that week (the published due date for the quiz or exam) to take the quiz or final examination. Once the student begins the exam, s/he will have a dedicated time in which to complete it. Failure to do so may result in Canvas locking the student out of the exam before finishing.

Most questions on quizzes and exams will be automatically graded; however, if a quiz or final exam has open-ended questions, the faculty member will need to grade those responses. 

Late Submissions

ACE has a clearly listed policy in the ACE Catalog. Students are responsible for contacting their faculty member regarding all late work and to establish the deadline for late submissions. Please know that this policy is to be used for late submissions during the term; no work can be accepted after the last day of class except in the case of extenuating circumstances or when an incomplete grade has been granted.

Please see ACE’s late policy listed in the College Catalog and on course syllabi for specifics regarding the late policy.  It is important to note the late policy is different per degree/course level. 

Extenuating Circumstances

Unfortunately, some students may experience emergencies or medical issues while enrolled in courses. In situations where extenuating circumstances, (i.e. death in the family, medical emergency/illness requiring medical attention for the student or family member, or related urgent issues beyond the student’s control, etc.) a faculty member can make an exception to the late policy. In these cases, students should provide documentation of the extenuating circumstances. The faculty member should use their discretion to decide to accept the work with or without a point deduction. It is important to note that technological issues (unless due to a natural disaster) are not considered valid grounds for late assignment submission.