ACE Catalog - Volume 25 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
English as a Second Language and Bilingual Education Certificate
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Certificate Description
The graduate level certificate in English as a Second Language is intended for teachers interested in working with students who are English Language Learners. By applying current research and best practices, educators learn strategies to support students as they learn English and master subject-specific content. All courses in this certificate program can be applied to a M.Ed. in English as a Second Language and Bilingual Education at American College of Education.
Certificate Outcomes
- Apply knowledge of language development and acquisition and cultural and linguistic diversity implement curriculum and instruction for English learners.
- Utilize academic standards to guide the selection of content and research-based instructional strategies to deliver the content.
- Develop assessment instruments, select materials, and monitor learning outcomes to enhance the academic development of English learners.
- Establish a culturally relevant environment by incorporating evidenced-based instructional resources, materials and technology.
- Engage in ongoing learning and leadership communities to analyze data and instructional practices and conduct research to enhance understanding of new language learners and their academic and social needs.
Course List (18 Total Semester Credits)
Education and Teaching Core Courses (3 Semester Credits)
ESL/BL/TESOL Courses (15 Semester Credits)
Illinois Endorsements
Some courses in the English as a Second Language and Bilingual Certificate are recognized by the Illinois State Board of Education as meeting the coursework requirements for an English as a Second Language endorsement and Bilingual Education endorsement. - Courses recognized by the Illinois State Board of Education as meeting the coursework requirements for an endorsement in English as a Second Language can be found in English as a Second Language Endorsement . Illinois students must choose course E5063 for the English as a Second Language endorsement.
- Courses recognized by the Illinois State Board of Education as meeting the coursework requirements for an endorsement in Bilingual Education can be found in Bilingual Education Endorsement . Illinois students must choose course BL5063 for the Bilingual Education endorsement.
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