Major Options
Designed for those teaching at the secondary or college level in the field of business, this coursework investigates key facets of effective business practices from an educational perspective. Focused on real-world applications impacting decisions, case studies examine issues, utilize data to resolve problems, and expand creative and critical thinking required within business aspect of an educational environment.
Cognitive Science
Learning how to learn is crucial in a society which continues to change as technology changes. This ability to adapt is an aspect of critical thinking within a situation, whether this is a learning environment or found within an organization. By understanding how the brain processes incoming stimuli, this major investigates ways to improve performance, enhance the ability to make quality decisions, and design environments to accomplish their designated purpose.
Early Childhood Education
Designed for those teaching at the secondary or college level in the field of early childhood, this coursework explores the critical developmental stages of young children, defining foundational principles for engaging them in learning experiences. Age-appropriate activities and strategies, selected to meet assessment needs, help to enhance social and emotional development appropriate for this age group.
Designed for those teaching at the secondary or college level in the field of English studies, this coursework examines the crossovers of literature, comprehension, and communication within traditional modes and emerging devices. Using intellectual processes, the courses are crafted to build patterns of thought fostered by delivery methods, cultural perspectives, and changes of time which influence how individuals communicate.
Designed for those teaching at the secondary or college level in the field of history, this coursework examines the major tenets of understanding historical traditions of thought by examining perspectives across time, people groups, and geographical locations. Utilizing critical thinking, the rationale and emerging patterns driving issues are traced to their roots in political, cultural, social, and ideological perspectives.
Interdisciplinary Leadership
Interdisciplinary leaders must be able to assist their organizations and communities by moving away from less effective traditional views of learning and leadership by embracing a more proactive approach. Interdisciplinary leaders can then make informed decisions and learner-centered adjustments much earlier in the process, maximize all available resources, and ultimately, foster higher levels of achievement and performance within their organizations. This Major identifies practices of exemplary leadership, asking students to engage in actions leading to change through shared vision, analyzing processes, and enabling others to reach their potential through shared modeling and advocacy. Leaders make a difference as they bring change.
Integrated Biology
Designed for those teaching at the secondary or college level in the field of science, this coursework promotes the development of integrated thinking and ways science can be taught through different perspectives which encourage real-world applications, effective problem solving, and builds relationships through communication. Individuals consider ways to investigate scientific thought as an approach for examining the forces acting upon living organisms from the basic cellular construction to ways life is sustained through energy transformation and other processes.
Integrated Chemistry
Designed for those teaching at the secondary or college level in the field of science, this coursework promotes the development of integrated thinking and ways science can be taught through different perspectives which encourage real-world applications, effective problem solving, and builds relationships through communication. Individuals consider ways to investigate scientific thought as an approach for examining the forces acting matter, from the properties at the atomic level to how molecules interact and combine to release energy or form new substances.
Integrated Physics
Designed for those teaching at the secondary or college level in the field of physics, this coursework promotes the development of integrated thinking and ways physics can be taught through different perspectives which encourage real-world applications, effective problem solving, and builds relationships through communication. Individuals consider ways to investigate scientific thought as an approach for examining the forces acting upon nature through the study of matter, energy, and force across time and space.
Integrated Science
Designed for those teaching at the secondary or college level in the field of science, this coursework promotes the development of integrated thinking and ways science can be taught through different perspectives which encourage real-world applications, effective problem solving, and builds relationships through communication. Individuals consider ways to investigate scientific thought as an approach for examining the forces acting upon the earth and beyond. Biology, chemistry, physics, geology, environmental science, ecology, and astronomy are disciplines addressed.
Designed for those teaching at the secondary or college level in the field of mathematics, this set of coursework uses a discovery model in mathematics to help instructors identify problems in their curricula and adapt these by adding or subtracting information, critiquing scenarios, providing overarching data, and allowing students to create predictive models to test against the gathered data to determine accuracy. Designed to support integrative ideas, from algebra, geometry, trigonometry, statistics, and calculus, events and influential mathematicians bring the human factor into the discovery of fundamental constructs which influence a broader understanding of underlying concepts.
Social Science
Designed for those teaching at the secondary or college level in the field of social science, this coursework explores the range of issues related to human interaction and learning within a societal context, exploring sociology, psychology, human development, and human relationships. Utilizing evidence-based research, learners investigate historical contexts, theories, standards, and frameworks which have shaped current understanding of human engagement as a foundation for creating learning environments, assessment options, and developing intellectual processes for lifelong learning.
Focus of Study Options
Adult and Continuing Education
The Focus of Study is designed to help professionals gain the necessary knowledge in the area of adult learning and continuing education. It provides a framework focused on the major theories of adult education, instructional strategies for the adult learner, critical analysis of instructional programs, and assessment of the adult learner.
Community College Leadership
This Focus of Study centers on the unique needs of leadership in a community college setting. With the growing cost of higher education, local institutions will serve a greater role in supporting student achievement, enabling them to complete degrees for career options which may not exist today. Consideration is given to the historical development of the two-year college in light of the economic dynamics existing in the 21st century and how change is needed to build community relationships, service students, and sustain institutional growth.
Higher Education
This Focus of Study is intended to prepare administrators in acquiring or enhancing necessary skills to successfully lead higher education institutions. The courses offer a broad perspective of critical issues facing higher education, emphasizing the complexity of student concerns while balancing the demands of outside constituents, e.g. accreditors, state and federal regulators, community, students, and faculty. Designed to complement and support professional agendas, individual studies prepare leadership to understand the integrated aspects of complex systems influenced by modern societal issues.
Instructional Leadership
Instructional or organizational leaders must be able to assist their schools, organizations, and communities in moving away from less effective traditional views of teaching and learning by embracing a more proactive approach of using formative assessment data to build curriculum, design instructional delivery, and teach with the future in mind instead of solely relying on summative evaluations measuring only what has already been taught in the past. Educational and organizational leaders can then make informed decisions and learner-centered adjustments much earlier in the process, maximize all available resources, and ultimately, foster higher levels of achievement and performance within their schools or organizations.
International Education
This international education Focus of Study is intended to prepare and equip leaders with skills, knowledge and a theoretical foundation to address international education and transnational dimensions of learning. It is well suited to those aspiring to work in the field of international education, spanning international schools, institutions of higher education, international organizations, international aid agencies, global foundations, and non-profit organizations among others. Designed to complement and support professional agendas, the course provides a broad overview of international dimensions of education, introducing students to international development policy, international aid, refugee education, international organizations, global foundations, cross-national studies of education, international migration, and global pedagogy and curricula. Students will also learn strategies and gain experience in conducting comparative research and cross-national policy analysis.
Online Learning and Teaching
This Focus of Study supports candidates who seek to serve as technology leaders and emphasizes new ways of thinking about technology and the integration of applications. Learning how to design environments which enhance and support organizational goals are considered to maximize learning for both individual and corporate purposes.