Sep 13, 2024  
ACE Catalog - Volume 19 
ACE Catalog - Volume 19 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Articulation Agreements & Memberships

Articulation Agreements

Institutions of higher education and alternative credit providers with which the college has established an articulation agreement include:

Ivy Tech Community College

Some credits earned in Ivy Tech’s associate of science and associate of applied science degrees in the School of Health Sciences, will transfer to American College of Education’s Bachelor of Science in Healthcare Administration program.

Some credits earned in Ivy Tech’s associate of science in Nursing (ASN) program will transfer to American College of Education’s RN to MSN program.


Some general education credits offered by StraighterLine will fulfill credit requirements for American College of Education’s Bachelor of Science in Healthcare Administration and RN to MSN programs.



American College of Education is a member organization of the following organizations:

ACE Credit College and University Network

American College of Education is a proud member of the ACE Credit College and University Network. The ACE Credit College and University Network is a group of higher education institutions that consider ACE credit recommendations and other credit for prior learning options for transfer to degree programs.

American Association of Colleges of Nursing

American College of Education is approved for institutional membership of American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN).

National College Credit Recommendation Service

American College of Education is a cooperating college in this credit recommendation organization.