Mar 02, 2025  
ACE Catalog Volume 43 - April 10, 2023 
ACE Catalog Volume 43 - April 10, 2023 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


Computer Requirements

Learning Management System Technology Requirements

American College of Education programs are delivered online through the Learning Management System, Canvas. In order to successfully complete all coursework, students are required to have regular access to a computer with an Internet connection, audio and video playback capabilities, and the following minimum technology features:

Operating Systems and Hardware
  • Windows 7/8/10 or Mac OS
  • Most tablets, iPads, and smart phones1,2
  • Broadband connection (courses are video intensive)2
  • 512 MB of RAM (1 GB or more preferred)
  • Video display capable of high-color, 16-bit display
  • Web camera (highly recommended)
  • A sound card and speakers or headphones
Supported Browsers
  • Current, up-to-date browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and Safari with cookies enabled3
  • Microsoft Office is the standard office productivity software used by students, faculty, and staff 4
  • Adobe Reader
  • Current anti-virus software that is kept up-to-date
  • FlashPlayer 9


Technology Platforms

American College of Education utilizes and provides the following platforms for all courses:

  • Canvas - ACE’s online learning management system (LMS) that allows students to access their courses and interact with other students and faculty.
  • TurnItIn - A plagiarism detection system, which reviews student papers and publications to ensure students maintain academic integrity.
  • MyACE Portal - ACE’s student portal where you can access unofficial transcripts, view grades, make payments, and update personal/profile information.


1While students may view course assignments and view and complete discussion board posts via tablets and smartphones, a desktop or laptop computer is necessary in order to fully access and complete course requirements.

2Students are strongly advised to have back up methods in place for completing assignments, posts, quizzes, exams, and other course related requirements in the event of internet failure.

3Canvas communicates with in-course tools via the Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) standard. LTI tools require cookies - including third-party cookies - to successfully receive/send information. Without cookies enabled, in-course tools may not be able to authenticate your user account and may re-direct to a login page. Support for how to enable cookies in your browser is available on the web.

4Canvas supports .doc/.docx, .ppt/.pptx, .xls/.xlsx and .pdf file formats.