Nov 21, 2024  
Student Teaching Handbook 
Student Teaching Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Standards and Outcomes

Learning Objectives for the Student Teaching Experience

American College of Education provides opportunities for working adult students to learn and to meet their life and career goals. As members of American College of Education’s academic community, students are responsible for respecting the rights and privileges of others and for fostering an environment conducive to student learning. By virtue of membership in the College’s academic community, students accept an obligation to abide by the following objectives aligned to the specific state standards for educators.

Indiana Elementary Education Educator Standards

Standard 1: Student Development and Diversity
Elementary education teachers have a broad and comprehensive understanding of student development and diversity and demonstrate the ability to provide instruction that is responsive to student differences and that promotes development and learning for all students.

Standard 2: Learning Processes
Elementary education teachers have a broad and comprehensive understanding of learning processes and demonstrate the ability to facilitate student achievement.

Standard 3: Instructional Planning and Delivery
Elementary education teachers have a broad and comprehensive understanding of instructional planning and delivery and demonstrate the ability to plan and deliver standards-based, data-driven differentiated instruction that engages students, makes effective use of contemporary tools and technologies, and helps all students achieve learning goals.

Standard 4: Assessment
Elementary education teachers have a broad and comprehensive understanding of assessment principles and practices and demonstrate the ability to use assessment to monitor student progress and to use data to guide instructional decision making.

Standard 5: Learning Environment
Elementary education teachers have a broad and comprehensive understanding of student learning environments and demonstrate the ability to establish positive, productive, well-managed, and safe learning environments for all students.

Standard 6: The Professional Environment
Elementary education teachers have a broad and comprehensive understanding of professional environments and expectations and demonstrate the ability to collaborate with others to improve student learning, to engage in continuous professional growth and self-reflection, and to adhere to legal and ethical requirements of the profession.

Indiana Secondary Education Educator Standards

Standard 1:  Student Development and Diversity
Teachers at the Secondary level have a broad and comprehensive understanding of student development and diversity and demonstrate the ability to provide instruction that is responsive to student differences and that promotes development and learning for all students.

Standard 2:  Learning Processes
Teachers at the Secondary level have a broad and comprehensive understanding of learning processes and demonstrate the ability to facilitate student achievement.

Standard 3:  Instructional Planning and Delivery
Teachers at the Secondary level have a broad and comprehensive understanding of instructional planning and delivery and demonstrate the ability to plan and deliver standards-based, data-driven differentiated instruction that engages students, makes effective use of contemporary tools and technologies, and helps all students achieve learning goals.

Standard 4:  Assessment
Teachers at the Secondary level have a broad and comprehensive understanding of assessment principles and practices and demonstrate the ability to use assessment to monitor student progress and to use data to guide instructional decision making.

Standard 5:  Learning Environment
Teachers at the Secondary level have a broad and comprehensive understanding of student learning environments and demonstrate the ability to establish positive, productive, well-managed, and safe learning environments for all students.

Standard 6:  The Professional Environment
Teachers at the Secondary level have a broad and comprehensive understanding of professional environments and expectations and demonstrate the ability to collaborate with others to improve student learning, to engage in continuous professional growth and self-reflection, and to adhere to legal and ethical requirements of the profession.

Standard 7:  Reading Instruction
Teachers at the Secondary level have a broad and comprehensive understanding of content-area and disciplinary literacy skills, and demonstrate the ability to plan and deliver integrated content-area reading instruction that is based on student learning standards, student literacy needs and strengths as reflected in ongoing student data, and scientifically based reading research.

Indiana Exceptional Needs Mild/Moderate Standards

Standard 1: Foundations of Special Education
Teachers of students with mild exceptional needs have a broad and comprehensive understanding of the historical, philosophical, ethical, and legal foundations of the field of special education and demonstrate the ability to apply this knowledge to effectively meet the needs of students with mild exceptional needs.

Standard 2: Development and Characteristics of Students with Mild Exceptional Needs
Teachers of students with mild exceptional needs have a broad and comprehensive understanding of the characteristics and needs of students with disabilities as well as factors affecting the learning and development of students with mild exceptional needs and demonstrate the ability to apply this knowledge to effectively meet the needs of students with mild exceptional needs.

Standard 3: Assessment
Teachers of students with mild exceptional needs have a broad and comprehensive understanding of various types of formal and informal assessments and assessment procedures used in the field of special education and demonstrate the ability to select, adapt, modify, administer, and interpret the results of assessments used with students with mild exceptional needs.

Standard 4: Individualized Program Planning and Implementation
Teachers of students with mild exceptional needs have a broad and comprehensive understanding of procedures for developing, implementing, monitoring, and amending individualized programs and demonstrate the ability to follow these procedures in planning and implementing individualized programs for students with mild exceptional needs.

Standard 5: Learning Environments
Teachers of students with mild exceptional needs have a broad and comprehensive understanding of a variety of learning environments for students with mild exceptional needs and demonstrate the ability to plan, manage, and modify learning environments for students with mild exceptional needs.

Standard 6: Instructional Planning and Delivery
Teachers of students with mild exceptional needs have a broad and comprehensive understanding of effective, research-based instructional practices for students with mild exceptional needs and demonstrate the ability to apply such practices to promote students’ success in the general curriculum.

Standard 7: Communication and Social Skills
Teachers of students with mild exceptional needs have a broad and comprehensive understanding of strategies for fostering students’ communication and social skills and demonstrate the ability to apply such strategies to help students with mild exceptional needs achieve their individual goals related to communication and social skills.

Standard 8: Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports
Teachers of students with mild exceptional needs have a broad and comprehensive understanding of the principles of positive behavioral interventions and supports and demonstrate the ability to apply these principles by providing effective positive behavioral interventions and supports for students with mild exceptional needs.

Standard 9: Transitions
Teachers of students with mild exceptional needs have a broad and comprehensive understanding of strategies for teaching independent living skills and promoting successful life transitions and demonstrate the ability to apply this knowledge to help students with mild exceptional needs acquire independent living skills and make successful transitions.

Standard 10: Professional Roles and Responsibilities
Teachers of students with mild exceptional needs have a broad and comprehensive understanding of the professional roles and responsibilities of the special education teacher and demonstrate the ability to apply this knowledge by acting professionally and responsibly with regard to the education of students with mild exceptional needs.

ACE Program Outcomes-Elementary and Secondary MAT/T2T

  1. Design and deliver integrated, differentiated instruction with integrity that is responsive to student diversity and differences and promotes high achievement for all students.
  2. Apply standards-based, data-driven decision making and integrated differentiated instruction using appropriate technologies and tools to improve the achievement of all students.
  3. Demonstrate in-depth understanding of assessment, and use assessment results to inform instructional decision making.
  4. Collaborate with others to establish a well-organized, positive learning environment which supports the development of leadership skills, improves student achievement, and maintains the high ethical teaching standards of the educational profession.
  5. Engage in continuous professional growth, intellectual development, inquiry, and research reflective of educational needs and goals within a changing national and international society.
  6. Use knowledge of scientifically based research, developmental knowledge and educational theory to plan and deliver instruction in content areas, including reading, language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, fine arts, health, wellness, and physical education, for the purpose of improving the achievement of all students.

ACE Program Outcomes-Special Education T2T

  1. Apply research-based, standards-based, and data-driven decision making with integrated differentiated instruction using appropriate technologies and tools to improve the achievement of students with special needs.
  2. Demonstrate an in-depth understanding of assessment and use assessment results to inform instructional decision-making.
  3. Establish well-organized, positively managed, and safe learning environments, and analyze their impact on instructional effectiveness and student achievement.
  4. Develop a working knowledge of developmental theory, standards, frameworks, and concepts in relation to best practices to support learners with special needs.
  5. Utilize developmentally appropriate strategies to incorporate evidenced-based instructional practices and resources, materials, and technology to support individual learning needs.