Oct 01, 2024  
ACE Catalog - Volume 55 
ACE Catalog - Volume 55

Program Specific Academic

B.S. Programs 

Certificate in Transition to Teaching/Masters of Arts in Teaching

Ed.D. Programs

M.Ed. in Educational Leadership 

M.Ed. in STEM Education


RN to MSN and BSN to MSN

B.S. Programs

Credit Hour Requirement

The Bachelor of Science in Healthcare Administration and the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and Leadership require students to complete 120 semester credits. The 120-hour requirement includes the following: 

  • 36 semester credits earned at ACE. 
  • 84 credits earned at an accredited institution outside of ACE, earned as electives at ACE, earned as CLEP credit, or earned through prior learning assessment.
    • 30 of these credits are required to be fulfilled in accordance with the general education policy. 

Certificate in Transition to Teaching/Masters of Arts in Teaching


Students at the American College of Education must pass benchmarks in certain licensure programs. If the student is unable to pass the benchmark, they must go through a remediation process. If the student has not been successful through the remediation process, they must enter a program change. 

Content Area Test

ACE requires for all Masters of Arts in Secondary Teaching and Certificate in Transition to Teaching in Secondary Education students to successfully take and pass their required content area test(s) prior to the start of their fifth term at ACE. If ACE does not receive proof of official passing scores prior to a student starting their fifth term, the student will be administratively withdrawn from the program. Information about approved tests can be found on the Indiana Department of Education’s website

  • Individual is admitted to ACE without content test results if they have a prior degree in the selected content area. If the individual does not have a degree in the selected content area, the exam is required prior to admissions.  
  • Content Test is marked as “Required when Eligible” or “On File” in the student’s record. This action will add students to a student group for tracking.
  • Students will be contacted by Registration multiple times each term regarding the content exam requirement.  
  • Matriculating students without their content exams recorded in their files will be tracked in a student group with a “hold” so a message will show every time they log in the portal. 
  • Once a student has successfully passed their content area test, they will send official scores to [email protected]. These will be approved and placed “on file” in the student’s record. Students will be notified of this approval and will be removed from all tracking groups and efforts. 
  • If the official test scores are not received by the first day of a student’s fifth term, they will be administratively withdrawn from ACE. 
  • Students can appeal this removal through utilizing the appeal process.  

Mentor Teacher Approval for Student Teaching 

ACE requires for all MAT/T2T students to have an approved mentor teacher before beginning the student teaching experience. If a mentor teacher is not approved by the beginning of student teaching, the student will not be permitted to progress in the program until such a time as this requirement is met. To be approved, student teaching mentor teachers must meet the following criteria:

  • Must hold a current U. S. teaching license and be a practicing classroom teacher with at least three years’ experience in the grade level or content area of the student teacher’s certification. 
  • Received an evaluation rated as effective or highly effective (or the equivalent) on the teacher evaluation system in the school district for the last three years. 
  • Located within the same school as the student teacher.   
  • Cannot be related to the student teacher.  

Field Hours Requirement

Students are required to complete field hours as part of the degree completion, prior to student teaching. Field hours are embedded in the assignments within the course along with the diversity experience form. Students who do not complete the required field hours during the associated course will be required to retake the course. All field hours must be completed prior to the first day of student teaching. To successfully complete the field hours, students must gain access to classrooms upon enrollment into the MAT/T2T program which aligns with their selected degree area. Students must also submit an acknowledgment of the requirements and verification of classroom access in the admission application.


MAT/T2T students at the American College of Education must pass two benchmarks with a score of 80% or better during their coursework to advance to student teaching. Once in student teaching, students must pass each assignment in the student teaching course with an 80% to complete the program. Students who are not successful in meeting these requirements are provided remediation to support growth in the areas of deficiency. 

Students who do not pass the first or second benchmark during the first attempt are enrolled in a remediation course during the following term which provides support and guidance for the areas related to the benchmark. By the end of the term, students complete the benchmark a second time. Students who do not pass the benchmark after the second attempt will be moved to the non-licensure track. Students who do not pass a benchmark assessment may re-apply to the licensure track program after four terms.

Students must submit all completed diversity field experiences to document the required hours. The diversity field experiences are completed as part of the coursework during the program. Students who do not submit all the required diversity field experiences will be dropped from student teaching and will be re-enrolled for the following term.  

Students who are not successful in meeting the required score in student teaching on assignments are provided a personal remediation plan which identifies specific criteria and goals which must be met to pass student teaching. The remediation plan is signed by the student, mentor teacher, and field supervisor. This document acts as a formal contract and outlines the expectations which must be met to pass the student teaching course. Students who do not meet all identified criteria will not be able to pass student teaching and will be re-enrolled in the following term.  

Ed.D. Programs

Candidacy to Doctorate

Candidacy is a stage in the degree program at which a student is approved to undertake the final research project under the supervision of faculty. Students in the Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) programs will have ten (10) years from start date to complete the degree. At the successful completion of at least 30 Credit Hours, final approval of the concept paper, and approval with the Application for Candidacy: the Ed.D. student will be eligible for advancement to candidacy.

Dissertation Committee Change Request

American College of Education assigns to each doctoral candidate a doctoral dissertation committee, which consists of one (1) dissertation chair and one (1) committee member, to guide and assist them in working towards completion of a doctoral degree.

Before requesting a dissertation committee change, the doctoral candidate must discuss any problems or issues, as well as clarification for roles and responsibilities with the dissertation committee. The first step should always be reaching out directly to the faculty and discussing concerns in a professional and respectable manner.

If the differences are not easily resolved, doctoral candidates may request a change in a chair or committee member, by filling out the Dissertation Committee Change form. Any change will only be made and become effective at the beginning of the next available term start. A decision will be made within 10 business days from form submission date, and the doctoral candidate will be emailed the final decision.

Once the form is submitted, there is no way to go back and add information to it. It is imperative the doctoral candidate takes care to ensure proper submission the first time. The doctoral candidate is responsible for demonstrating the faculty member is not a good fit for the dissertation committee based on grading that is contrary to procedures specified in the program handbook or based on bias, caprice, or arbitrary decisions. For example, a disagreement regarding the dissertation chair’s guidance or expectations are not grounds for requesting a committee change.

The doctoral candidate must fill out the Dissertation Committee Change form in its entirety, providing as much documentation as possible to support their case. The burden of proof lies solely on the doctoral candidate. A doctoral candidate may request for one or more members of the committee to change up to two times. Any requests thereafter will be escalated to the Appeals Committee.

Doctoral Dissertation Committee Selection 

American College of Education recognizes that matching qualified dissertation chairs and committee members with candidates, based on content area and methodology, of the dissertation, is required to optimize the student learning experience. Doctoral Candidates will be assigned a dissertation committee comprised of a dissertation chair and one committee member. Upon approving a doctorate candidate, the College will select a dissertation chair and committee member based on the following criteria:

  1. Expertise in content area and methodology selected by the doctorate candidate.
  2. Number of dissertation committees in which potential members are serving.
  3. Completion of appropriate training to serve as dissertation chair or committee member. 

ACE will assign all members of the committee unless the doctoral candidate requests for an external-to ACE-member to serve on the committee. An external individual must be nominated to serve in a committee member-only capacity and be approved to be appointed to the committee. Approvals are based on nominated individuals meeting the criteria below:

  1. Attainment of terminal/doctoral degree. 
  2. Documented scholarly activities, such as refereed publications or presentations.
  3. Experience serving on dissertation committees at other regionally accredited institutions.

External members are also required to complete dissertation committee training at American College of Education prior to serving on the committee. 

Doctoral Programs Expected Graduation Date

The initial anticipated graduation date can change based on students’ choice of progression, including full-time, ¾-time or part-time, as well as dissertation progression. Furthermore, students can be approved for a leave of absence or may unsuccessfully complete their courses which results in a delayed graduation date. Full-time students who remain enrolled and successfully complete their courses, can expect to finish the program in three years. Students must adhere to the ACE designated progression in order to complete their program in the three-year time frame. The expected graduation dates will be updated as follows:

  1. Upon enrollment, students are issued a graduation date based on an extended five-year time frame. 
  2. Upon being scheduled for course RES6033 -Qualitative Research Design, a student’s expected graduation date will be updated by the Registration office to reflect the standard completion of the dissertation time frame. 
  3. The expected graduation date will be updated again when scheduled for RES6512 -Research Concept Paper and then every term after this course is completed. 


American College of Education recognizes that students may experience challenges in the dissertation courses. Completing research on a doctoral research topic is not easy and circumstances happen where students do not receive a passing grade and must retake a dissertation course.  Retaking a course will slow a student’s time to degree completion and they will incur additional costs. ACE seeks to support students through the difficult aspects of completing a dissertation and earning the EdD degree. The following are additional details:

1. Course Leading to Final Acceptance of the Research Concept Paper in RES6512

Should a student fail to achieve a passing grade during the initial 10-week term, it will be necessary for them to retake the RES6512 (Research Concept Paper) course. The student is granted the opportunity to repeat the course twice more, spanning an additional two 10-week terms, allowing for a maximum of three attempts. In the event of a course retake, it is mandatory for the student to concurrently enroll in RES6233 (Research Boot Camp). This additional enrollment is designed to provide comprehensive support and guidance for the research concept paper’s development.

2. Dissertation Support in RES6500 Dissertation Workspace

During their dissertation chapter and defense courses, candidates receive guidance and support from a dissertation committee team, consisting of a dissertation chair and a committee member. This collaborative support and interaction take place through Canvas in RES6500. Access to RES6500 is limited to terms in which candidates are concurrently enrolled in a dissertation chapter or defense course, ensuring that candidates benefit from ongoing assistance during their active engagement in the academic process.

It is important to note that access to RES6500 is contingent upon registration in a dissertation chapter or defense course. If a candidate is not registered for any such courses in the current term, access to RES6500 will not be available during that period. This structured approach ensures that candidates receive the necessary support and resources specific to their dissertation endeavors only when actively pursuing relevant coursework.

3. Dissertation Chapter Courses in RES6521, RES6531, RES6541, RES6551, and RES6561

Should a student fail to attain a passing grade in a dissertation chapter course, they are eligible for up to two additional retakes spanning 10-week terms each. However, if a candidate does not achieve a passing grade after the second attempt in a dissertation chapter course, it becomes mandatory for the student to simultaneously enroll in RES6223 (Dissertation Boot Camp) during their third and final attempt. This concurrent enrollment in RES6223 is designed to provide essential support and guidance in the chapter’s development.

To illustrate, consider a scenario where a candidate in RES6531 (Chapter 2 - Literature Review) does not successfully pass the course within the initial 10-week term. In such a case, the candidate would retake RES6531 for a second attempt. If, however, the candidate still does not achieve a passing grade after the second attempt, they would proceed to a third and final retake of RES6531. Also, during this third attempt, the candidate must concurrently enroll in RES6223 for more support and guidance.

4. RES6600: IRB Approval and Data Collection Workspace

If a candidate submits their Dissertation Research Review (DRR) approval request in RES6541 and does not obtain final Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval, they will be assigned a grade of Progress (PR). Subsequently, they will be automatically enrolled in RES6600, a 10-week course. This enrollment is intended to allow candidates to await IRB approval and commence data collection once the approval is secured. If a candidate does not receive DRR approval after three attempts of RES6600, they will be required to retake RES6541.

5. RES6700: Dissertation Editing Workspace

In place of an external review, candidates can pay to be enrolled into the 5-week RES6700 (editing course) for a full review of their final dissertation. 

6. Dissertation Defense in RES6302 

Candidates are granted three attempts, spanning three terms, to successfully pass the RES6302 (Defending the Dissertation) course. To pass the course, the candidate’s dissertation must undergo acceptance at all stages of the final review process during RES6302. It is crucial that the final approvals for the dissertation are completed by Module 9; otherwise, the candidate will not successfully pass the course. Additionally, successful defense of the dissertation through the oral defense must be accomplished by the end of Module 10.

If a candidate does not meet these requirements, they will be required to retake RES6302 in a subsequent term. This retake helps complete necessary dissertation revisions and the defense process. If a candidate needs to undertake RES6302 for a third and final attempt, it is mandatory for them to concurrently enroll in RES6223 (Dissertation Bootcamp) for additional guidance and support.

7. Administrative Withdrawal

Suppose a student or candidate is unsuccessful, receiving a non-passing grade after completing a three 10-week term sequence for a single course. In that case, they will be advised to consider a degree program change or may face administrative withdrawal from the college. Should a candidate be directed to make a degree program change or undergo administrative withdrawal, readmission to the EdD program may not be granted. However, individuals affected by this decision can file an appeal using the college’s established procedures. 

M.Ed. in Educational Leadership 

Additional Internship Hours

The Educational Leadership program’s internship requirement is a minimum of 120 clock hours, regardless of the requirements for the state in which the student intends to seek licensure. The Ohio approved ACE M.Ed. in Educational Leadership version requires an internship of 200 clock hours. The Texas approved ACE M.Ed. in Educational Leadership version requires a practicum of 160 clock hours. Students are responsible for knowing and meeting their state’s licensure requirements.

Students seeking additional internship hours must complete a “Request for Additional Internship Hours” form. Upon receipt, the College will work with the student to:

  • permit documentation of additional hours during the EL5983  course.
  • allow the student to apply as a Student at Large after graduation in order to enroll in EL5981  to document the additional hours. All tuition and fees apply, and are not refundable.

Mentor Approval for Internship/Practicum

Students required to complete an Educational Leadership internship/practicum experience course must have an ACE approved mentor/site supervisor who will supervise their field experience. 

Qualifications for mentors/site supervisors:

  • Must be currently licensed and practicing principals or assistant principals assigned to accredited elementary or secondary campuses with at least two years’ experience as a principal or assistant principal, or equivalent campus level leadership title. Note: Three years of experience is required for Texas site supervisors.
  • Must be assigned to the internship/practicum campus location.
  • The internship/practicum location must be within 30 miles of the candidate. 

The following individuals are not permitted to serve as mentors/site supervisors:

  • Anyone related to the intern/candidate by blood or marriage.
  • District level personnel.
  • Departmental chairs/directors. (i.e. academic subject, athletics, curriculum, special education, fine arts, etc.)
  • Colleague teachers/other employees with principal certification.
  • Retired administrators.

Requirements regarding the timing of the mentor/site supervisor approval vary based on the student’s program and status:

  • For new students:
    • M.Ed. in Educational Leadership - mentor/site supervisor approval must occur prior to start of the student’s second course.

    • M.Ed. in Educational Leadership (Texas) - site supervisor approval must occur prior to start of the student’s first term.
    • Texas Educational Leadership Certificate or other certification-only programs - site supervisor approval must occur prior to start of the student’s first term.

    • Florida Modified EL pathway Program for Students at Large - mentor approval must occur prior to start of the student’s first term.

    • Students at Large - mentor approval must occur prior to start of the student’s first term.

  • For returning students:

    • Students returning to ACE must have a current (within 6 months of return) mentor/site supervisor approval on record prior to start of the student’s first course.

Texas Approval to Test 

It is a requirement of the Texas Education Agency that an educator preparation program review eligibility of its graduates before allowing them to register for the Texas Educational Leadership (EL) Principal as Instructional Leader (268) examination and Performance Assessment for School Leaders (368) examination. To ensure graduates are prepared for these examinations, ACE requires they demonstrate competency through practice examinations or remediation as outlined in this policy.

To be approved by American College of Education to register for the Principal as Instructional Leader (268) examination and Performance Assessment for School Leaders (368) examination, graduates must meet the following requirements:

  1. Successful completion of the Texas Educational Leadership Program.
  2. Receipt of an 80% or better score on the practice examination available in ELX5983 .

Any approval for testing granted by ACE will be valid for no more than six months from the date of issue. If the candidate does not meet a passing threshold, or if a prior test approval has expired after the six-month period of eligibility, or if the student has not successfully passed the certification examination, the student will be required to enter a remediation plan.

M.Ed. in STEM Education

NISE National Certificate

ACE M.Ed. in STEM Education students are required to complete the Certificate for STEM Teaching at the National Institute for STEM Education (NISE). By completing the Certificate in STEM Teaching, students will earn credits for two ACE courses (six total credits): SCI5243  and SCI5263 . ACE does not offer these two courses; thus, completing the Certificate in STEM Teaching is required to complete the M.Ed. in STEM Education program at ACE. 

To ensure that ACE students are able to complete this certification, ACE requires that M.Ed. in STEM Education students acknowledge this requirement prior to starting their first course at ACE. Additionally, ACE M.Ed. in STEM Education students must complete the Certificate in STEM Teaching prior to the start of their last course. If a student fails to meet this requirement, they will be administratively withdrawn from ACE and not eligible for graduation.  



RN to MSN students are required to successfully complete all coursework in the BSN portion of the program, including all general education, elective, and required credits, prior to matriculating to the MSN portion of the program. The College defines successful completion as:

  • Completion of all coursework listed in the BSN portion of the program.
  • Achievement of a 3.0 cumulative GPA, at minimum.
  • Earned grade of “B” or better in the Senior Capstone course.
  • All general education competencies are passed.
  • Official transcripts are on file in the student record for all general education requirements.
  • The designated conferral fee has been charged, paid and no financial holds are on the student’s account.

Upon verification of the above criteria, the College will confer the BSN degree and the student will be permitted to progress with the MSN coursework as outlined in the program description.

RN to MSN and BSN to MSN

Preceptor Approval

ACE requires all RN to MSN Program students to have an approved Preceptor three terms prior to starting their Capstone/Practicum experience course at ACE. If a Preceptor and Practice Site are not approved prior to the graduate level practicum course, the student will not be permitted to take their graduate-level practicum capstone course until such a time as this requirement is met. To be approved, Preceptors must meet the following criteria:

  • Professional Licensure: Qualified Preceptors must hold a current, unencumbered license as an RN in the state in which they practice.
  • Educational Background: Preceptors must hold a master’s degree.
  • Work Experience: Preceptors must be knowledgeable and experienced in the area the student is studying as demonstrated by having at least two years of experience related to the student’s focus of study.
  • Location: Preceptors must be employed at the site where the student is completing the practicum capstone project.
  • Relationship: Preceptors cannot be related to the student.
  • Training Requirement: Preceptors must agree to participate in ACE’s training for Preceptors.